Our 1st school-wide exam for the year will be the PSAT exam. All Townview Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors will be administered the PSAT on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.
What happens after PSAT, Wednesday October 12th?
– SEM (only) FIELD DAY in the courtyard! (grades 9-11 th only) 2:55-4:30PM will be a modified bell schedule, after PSAT.
– Students, you MUST be wearing your ID badges to participate. This is already a school requirement. Bring a water bottle! and sun screen, small items to play with (sports ball). – – – Email Mr. Palacios if you have questions about any item(s) by Monday 5:00PM. – Seniors, click here.
This is part of our continued campus culture SEL/Mental Health and Wellness plan.
Source: Remind from Mr. Palacios