Hanukkah 2022 starts on December 18th and ends on December 26th. This 8-day holiday commemorates the legendary Maccabean Revolt where the Jews rose up to their Greek-Syrian oppressors in 200 BC. The 8 Hanukkah candles represents each day that the flames stayed alive on the Menorah after the Syrians burned the temple. I hope everyone has wonderful Hanukkah!
It’s time for our last meeting of 2022! While we typically meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, we moved this meeting a week earlier due to our upcoming Winter Break! Please join us on Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 6pm via Zoom and remember to register in advance to receive a link to join:
Hey! Have you ever felt like the school restrooms are subpar? Ever felt frustrated at having to go to 3 different stalls just to find one that worked? Weirded out by the lack of stalls? If so then please click the link below and sign a petition to improve the condition of the Townview restrooms.
-Annette Vega and Kevin Halimman
Hanukkah 2022 starts on December 18th and ends on December 26th. This 8-day holiday commemorates the legendary Maccabean Revolt where the Jews rose up to their Greek-Syrian oppressors in 200 BC. The 8 Hanukkah candles represents each day that the flames stayed alive on the Menorah after the Syrians burned the temple. I hope everyone has wonderful Hanukkah!
It’s time for our last meeting of 2022! While we typically meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month, we moved this meeting a week earlier due to our upcoming Winter Break! Please join us on Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 6pm via Zoom and remember to register in advance to receive a link to join:https://dallasisd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvdOquqjkqGdH6XsIRNCzStgzYlwGOjW-L
Hey! Have you ever felt like the school restrooms are subpar? Ever felt frustrated at having to go to 3 different stalls just to find one that worked? Weirded out by the lack of stalls? If so then please click the link below and sign a petition to improve the condition of the Townview restrooms. Link to petition -Annette Vega
Dear SEM PTSA Members, We need volunteers this Saturday, 12/10! SEM is hosting the FTC Robotics Meet at Townview from 7am to 6pm. We have set up 3 shifts to provide concessions for the spectators and teams. **This is a GREAT opportunity to raise funds for our SEM student grade-level activity accounts** Please help us help our SEM students by signing up
im so cool guys
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