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NEST and Summer Camps

NEST CAMP FAQ (9TH Grade Only)

Math Department Questions:

If a student took Geometry in middle school, will they need to retake it? What will they take instead?

Incoming 9th graders that have taken Geometry in middle school will not need to retake the class. They will have an extra elective in their schedules.

If a student took Algebra II in middle school, will they need to retake it? What will they take instead?

Incoming 9th graders that have taken Algebra II will be handled on a case by case basis. Depending on math scores from the student’s application, summer assignments, and NEST Orientation scores, a student might need to retake Algebra II.

Science Department Questions:

What is a student has already taken PreAP Biology?

Incoming 9th graders that have taken PreAP Biology will be placed in AP Biology.

General Questions:

When will we know bus routes and how will they be published?

Bus routes will be published by the district later this summer. They will be published at , various district social media platforms, and shared with each campus principal. Mr. Palacios will disseminate bus route information to parents/students as soon as it becomes available to him.

NEST, Physics/Math, College Camps

All New Students should attend NEST camp. The camp usually runs for one week on the last week of July to early August. The camp will be from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Lunch will be provided. The approximate cost is $30. If you do not register online, you can register on Monday morning at the camp.

Physics/Math camp for 10th Grade Students will be the same week as NEST camp. It will start at 8:30 AM and end at 1:30 PM.  Students who are selected by the school to attend will receive a letter in the mail.

All Rising Seniors should plan to attend one day of College Camp.  Before camp begins, all seniors should update their senior information survey and complete their College List and Summer Journal.  Students have access to these assignments through Google Classroom.  Direct questions to Ms Ashmead at