SEM Pizzapalooza
FOMO? Don’t miss The All-SEM Pizzapalooza next Tuesday, 11/15 from 4:30-5:15 pm on the patio outside of the commons! FREE Pizza! FREE Boba! JAMMIN’ DJ! Fun! Let’s get this party started!
Secret Teacher Treats

Help us give thanks for our incredible teachers! Please consider making a donation of any amount and your SEM PTSA will do the rest. If you donate by Tuesday 11/15 at 6pm your family name will be included in the group card giving thanks to our beloved faculty.
All-SEM Pizzapalooza
It’s time to celebrate our most successful North Texas Giving Day ever! The All-SEM Pizzapalooza is next Tuesday, 11/15 from 4:30-5:15 pm on the patio outside of the commons! Pizza! Boba! DJ! Fun! Let’s get this party started!
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other illegal drug prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. It began as a tribute to fallen DEA special agent Enrique Camerena in 1985

Secret Teacher Treats October!
SEM PTSA Community Meeting
Hope to “see” you there!
October SEM PTSA Meeting
Coming this week: Our October SEM PTSA Community meeting Wed Oct 19th at 6pm via Zoom. Please consider joining SEM PTSA so we can send you materials and important links!
National Bullying Prevention Week (Oct 17th – Oct 21st)

Source: Remind from Mr. Palacios