SEM Club Fair is scheduled on Friday, September 16th
during Advisory period.
Student Noncurriculum-Related Club/Group
- The first 2 weeks of school (August 15 to August 26) ALL SEM students will need to decide if they want to start a new club and/or continue with their existing club.
- During the 3rd week of school (August 29 to September 2) SEM students can approach/request teachers to be their club sponsors — you can make your pitch.
- Teachers will need to email Principal Palacios by September 2 COB with the club(s) they will commit to sponsoring for this academic year. Every SEM teacher is committed to sponsoring at least 1 student club. Teachers must submit student club bylaws draft for approval by September 7th via email to Principal Palacios.
- SEM Club Fair is scheduled for September 16 during Advisory period.
Student Noncurriculum-Related Club/Group Rules
- A “noncurriculum-related student group or club” means any student group or club that does not directly relate to the body of courses offered by the school.
- Students who desire to initiate a group or club may do so by approaching and securing a SEM teacher sponsor during the week of Aug 29, 2022, (only). The SEM teacher sponsor will then need to email the SEM Principal by Sept 2, 2022. The group or club bylaws or plan of operation can be submitted via email by the SEM teacher by Sept 7, 2022. The group or club must have a District employee monitor (SEM teacher) as their sponsor who will attend all meetings and activities.
Student Noncurriculum-Related Club/Group Regulations
Meetings of noncurriculum-related student groups are subject to the following regulations:
- The meeting shall be voluntary and initiated by a student enrolled at SEM.
- The meeting shall be held during noninstructional time within the normal duty day for personnel. This will normally include approximately one-half hour before the start of the school day and one hour following the end of the school day, depending on building schedules. Talk to your teacher sponsor for details.
- There shall be no sponsorship of the meeting by the school. Monitors of the District shall be present at the meetings and activities only in a nonparticipatory capacity.
- The meeting shall not materially and substantially interfere with the orderly conduct of educational activities within the school.
- The meeting shall not result in additional or special student transportation provided at District expense.
- Nonschool persons may not initiate, direct, conduct, or control such meetings. Nonschool persons may not attend meetings more than once each six-week period.
- School employees shall not participate or be present at such meetings except for custodial or monitoring purposes.
- Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to limit the authority of the school or its employees to maintain order and discipline on school premises; to protect the well-being of students and faculty; and to ensure that attendance of students at meetings is voluntary.
- A monitor, either a volunteer or one appointed by the principal, shall be present at all on-campus activities. However, no monitor or employee of the District may be required to attend a meeting if the content of the speech at the meeting is contrary to the beliefs of the monitor or employee.
- The teacher shall notify the principal via email at least 72 hours in advance of the time of the meeting and the names of adult guests by the student(s) who is initiating the meeting.
- The teacher sponsor shall assign the specific space to be used for the meeting and shall approve in writing the use of the space to the initiating student(s). This is typically done in the teacher’s classroom.
- Appropriate notices of such meetings may be handled in the usual manner for advertising nonschool-sponsored activities.
- The teacher sponsor shall keep a log of all such meetings, indicating the place and time of meetings and provide this to the school Principal.
- The cost of repair of any damage to District property (teachers’ or students’) incurred during such meetings shall be borne by the person(s) responsible and may result in denial of future access to the building.
Teacher sponsors
- Include with your bylaw(s):
- Copy of student roster with ID numbers, grade level, and leadership positions.
- Club meeting room and recurring dates/times.
Source: Memo from Mr. Palacios on 8-15-22.