On sale now – Senior Yard Signs & Senior Car Decal Stickers 5.25”x5”
Please consider buying additional signs for those who may not be able to – we want to celebrate ALL of our Seniors!
Let’s send our seniors out in style!
Please consider buying additional signs for those who may not be able to – we want to celebrate ALL of our Seniors!
Let’s send our seniors out in style!
Raise Me is an app where you can earn micro-scholarships from achievements. Check it out today to see if any of your schools support it!
Seniors swing by and pick up a cupcake on your way into school on Tuesday, November 2nd.
Free ice cream, games, and music!
October 29th after school, Eloise Lundy Rec Center (less than 1 block away)
Join the new SEM Book Club! Meet with us every other Thursday to read and talk about cool fictional books in a no-stress environment. Come to Ms. Deaton’s room (290) on 9/23 for our first intro meeting
Interested in taking the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) exam this year? Want to learn how to apply your mathematics knowledge to solve difficult theoretical and application problems? Hoping to show top colleges that you have the problem-solving skills to succeed? Then join SEM’s AMC club! Visit our website at https://sem-amc-club.tk/ to learn more.
“Catch up on your homework & grades. Check PowerSchool. Enjoy the weekend, see you Tuesday (B Day)!”
-Mr. Palacios on Remind
Go to educationescalated.com for free AP notes – especially useful for SEM students!
Includes: AP Calculus AB and BC, AP Biology, AP Human Geography, AP Environmental Science, AP World History, AP Physics 1, AP Computer Science A, AP U.S. Government and Politics, AP Physics C: Mechanics, and more to come soon!
You can also sign up to volunteer and add academic content to our site. Go to the “Volunteer” tab of our website to sign up.
SEM’s varsity robotics team, Iron Reign Robotics, will be holding its interest meeting next week on Tuesday, September 7th, after school in the library. Iron Reign is a 4-time qualifier for the FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship and we’re currently seeking new and enthusiastic underclassmen recruits. Fill out the interest form below and attend our meeting if you’re interested.
Please click here for the Interest Form
Please consider buying additional signs for those who may not be able to – we want to celebrate ALL of our Seniors! Let’s send our seniors out in style! WOO HOO to the Class of ‘22!! Author: Hudson Shields
https://www.raise.me Raise Me is an app where you can earn micro-scholarships from achievements. Check it out today to see if any of your schools support it! Author: Hudson Shields
Seniors swing by and pick up a cupcake on your way into school on Tuesday, November 2nd. Author: Hudson Shields
Free ice cream, games, and music! October 29th after school, Eloise Lundy Rec Center (less than 1 block away) Author: Hudson Shields
Join the new SEM Book Club! Meet with us every other Thursday to read and talk about cool fictional books in a no-stress environment. Come to Ms. Deaton’s room (290) on 9/23 for our first intro meeting Author: Angi Kurian
Interested in taking the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) exam this year? Want to learn how to apply your mathematics knowledge to solve difficult theoretical and application problems? Hoping to show top colleges that you have the problem-solving skills to succeed? Then join SEM’s AMC club! Visit our website at https://sem-amc-club.tk/ to learn more. Author: Arjun
“Catch up on your homework & grades. Check PowerSchool. Enjoy the weekend, see you Tuesday (B Day)!” -Mr. Palacios on Remind Author: Hudson Shields
Go to educationescalated.com for free AP notes – especially useful for SEM students! Includes: AP Calculus AB and BC, AP Biology, AP Human Geography, AP Environmental Science, AP World History, AP Physics 1, AP Computer Science A, AP U.S. Government and Politics, AP Physics C: Mechanics, and more to come soon! You can also sign up to volunteer and add
SEM’s varsity robotics team, Iron Reign Robotics, will be holding its interest meeting next week on Tuesday, September 7th, after school in the library. Iron Reign is a 4-time qualifier for the FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship and we’re currently seeking new and enthusiastic underclassmen recruits. Fill out the interest form below and attend our meeting if you’re interested. Please
Thank you so much, PTSA, for welcoming our students and teachers with decorations, banners, and photo booth. We appreciate all you do. Author: Shawn Halimman
im so cool guys
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